I like the idea of the new format! A tad easier to digest at first glance.

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Hi Will, website looks great, can't wait to hear some more stories from inspiring climbers.

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Hi Will,

The website looks great, a big improvement on the old one. Ideas that changed climbing is a great and hugely ambitious idea, drop me a line if you need a hand at any time. In addition to looking at 20k hertz you might want to look at the BBC's history of the world in 100 objects. I think the 'big ticket' initial suggestions you have are fine, but I wonder if some rather more modest things might generate interesting stories, for example the development of and the controversy surrounding wired nuts or chalk. Just a thought, good luck.

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Thanks Ian. Chalk is on the list, stories from the Clean Hand Gang would be interesting and I wonder if chalk will become an issue again as popularity grows. What's the controversy with wired nuts?

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My recollection, and it is a bit before my time, is that when first introduced they were considered cheating because you could place wires above you head. Don't quote me on this, but I think it kicked off with Livsey's use of wires on Footless Crow. If you scour old copies of Mountain I'm sure you'll find the relevant reference. Also, whilst thinking about Mountain, I do recall an article with the great title of 'Chalk on the Bannister' addressing the chalk controversy.

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Interesting. John Kendrick talked about runners being cheating in one of the Factor Two episodes. It's something that comes up with lots of new inventions - the concept of cheating itself might be an interesting one.

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